Ȅxodus | Wallet

E-xodus Desktop gives you a way to Secure, Manage, and Swap in one beautiful application. Buy and sell one assets for another from the comfort of your wallet, in seconds.

What Is Exodus

Exodus offers a straightforward, easy-to-use interface, access to over 150 assets, and a wide range of features. While investors of all skill levels can benefit from the wallet, it’s ideal for beginner crypto enthusiasts looking for ease of use. Exodus support is not only professional but also responsive to Exodus customers.JP Richardson and Daniel Castagnoli crafted Exodus – one of the most straightforward and best-designed crypto wallets – with love, as stated on its homepage.Exodus supports a wide range of coins, including some of the most popular cryptocurrencies globally, such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Dashcoin, to name a few. However, one of Exodus’ cool features is that you can also store cryptocurrencies that are currently unsupported or based on the ERC-20 blockchain. The funds can be used across all platforms that support Exodus.Exodus wallet supports 150+ cryptocurrencies, including:Source: Coin Bureau

How Does Exodus Work

The primary objective of the Exodus platform is to simplify the access, management, and use of digital assets.You can manage your blockchain portfolio using Exodus, a software that runs locally on your computer. No account signup is required. Exodus is a hot wallet that stores and encrypts everything on your computer compared to a cold wallet disconnected from the internet. Given that each type of wallet has its strengths and weaknesses, your choice will depend on your investment needs and preferences.

Features of Exodus Wallet

The Exodus wallet has plenty of features, among them:


However, custom fees are currently restricted to Bitcoin, and the wallet is more focused on user crypto experience than security, making Exodus less beneficial for advanced users with considerable funds in their software wallets.